Steel, painted black
11'5" x 14' x 13'4-1/2"
Edition 3/3
Baltimore Museum of Art, MD
Purchased as gift of Ryda and Robert H. Levi
Photo by Mitro Hood

“This is based on one of the earliest exercises with the tetrahedron. I didn’t set out to make a large triangular pyramid from a lot of small ones. Looking at the model for another piece, I made some adjustments in my head. The plaster models having disappeared, a new model was prepared from flimsy paper units. This was carried off by the curator at Hartford, probably on the grounds that none would be needed for executing such a simple piece. I did make another model, but in my haste left off a whole layer of units. The final product is perhaps too plain to stand for something that has been outlawed.”
- Tony Smith on Spitball